
Narration/Announcement Audio Production Service Light Plan

リーズナブルにナレーション音声収録。文字数によるシンプルな料金体系で、充実した登録ナレーターリストかなナレーターをお選びいただけます。BGM追加可能(追加料金)。 特殊フォーマットにも対応しています(追加料金)。

Light Plan

For reasonably priced and short (up to 600 characters) production

Narration/announcement production by i-Pairs Inc. is a studio recording service provided by experienced voice actors/narrators and specialized directors.

For all our narration recordings, regardless of the plan or service, we conduct a thorough pre-check of the script and intonation confirmation before the studio recording with a professional director and engineer. After the recording is completed, we use our unique noise reduction technology powered by our in-house AI for audio post-processing and deliver the final product in the format requested by the customer.

The Light Plan is designed for cases with a smaller script volume, making it an ideal service for those who simply want high-quality audio. The quality of the audio itself is equivalent to our Advanced Plan and IVR Voice Guidance Recording service.

For quotes and narrator selection, please feel free to contact us using the button below.

  • Including audio post-processing
  • Including Narrator Rank I fee
  • Narrator Rank II or above are available with extra fee
  • Selecting narrator from registered list
  • Narrator selection fee: 1,320 yen (incl. tax)
  • Additional BGM
  • Supporting special format

Our registered narrators
FAQ for Voice Production service

※For video synchronization, specific duration requests, acting, etc., please use the【Advanced Plan】.

Delivery mothods

  • Download link
  • Email attachment
  • CD-D mailing (extra fee)

Sample Announcement Script

Closing Hours Announcement Sample [90 characters]: Rank I (Beginner Level)

Closing Hours Announcement Sample

Thank you for using i-Pairs.
Our office will close at 6 PM today.
We look forward to serving you again soon.

Phone Announcement Sample [89 characters]: Rank III (Veteran Level)

Phone Announcement Sample

Thank you for calling i-Pairs.
Our lines are currently busy.
Please hold or try calling again later.

Service Fees

Base fee (for Narrator Rank I)

~100 characters: 19,800 yen (incl. tax)

~200 characters21,120 yen (incl. tax)
~300 characters22,440 yen (incl. tax)
~400 characters23,760 yen (incl. tax)
~500 characters25,080 yen (incl. tax)
~600 characters26,400 yen (incl. tax)

Optional Services

CD-R DeliveryFirst CD: 1,320 yen (incl. tax), 660 yen (incl. tax) per additional CD.
Special Format Conversion Fee1,320 yen (incl. tax) per project.
Examples: 8bit 8kHz μlaw WAVE, 16bit 11.025kHz WAVE.
*For broadcasting audio processing like BWF-J, loudness, etc., please use the Advanced Plan.
Narrator Rank II Additional Fee13,860 yen (incl. tax) per hour
Narrator Rank III Additional Fee19,800円 yen (incl. tax) per hour
Narrator Selection Fee1,320円 yen (incl. tax) per hour
Commercial Use Additional Fee1,320円 yen (incl. tax) per project
File Cutting Fee5Free for up to 5 files
132 yen (incl. tax) per file from the 6th file onward.
※For a large number of files, the Advanced Plan or IVR Plan is recommended.

Our registered narrators (w/ Voice sample)

Adding BGM and Sound Effects (per file)

BGM Announcement Sample

BGM Addition Fee2,640 yen (incl. tax) per file per track
Sound Effect Addition Fee2,640 yen (incl. tax) per file per effect
Using our Sample Library Music1,320 yen (incl. tax) per track
Royalty-Free Music and Sound Effects3,960 yen (incl. tax) per track or effect
Original Music ProductionFrom 9,240 yen (incl. tax) per track
Original Sound Effect ProductionFrom 6,600 yen (incl. tax) per effect

→Click here for original BGM samples

※For commercial use of existing music, customers need to obtain permission from copyright holders such as JASRAC.

Other Optional Services

For the following services, we will provide a separate quote

  • Delivery on media other than CD-R

※All prices on this page include tax
※For delivery within 3 business days from the order date, a rush fee of 1.5 times the regular price will apply.

For details, please inquire using the contact button.

【Important Notes】

  1. All calculations are rounded up for scripts under 100 characters.
  2. Character count is based on MS Word’s “Characters (no spaces)” count (punctuation marks count as one character)
  3. Standard delivery time is approximately 5 business days from the order acceptance. For urgent requests, we offer delivery within 3 business days at 1.5 times the regular price. Please note that it may not always be possible due to narrator schedules.
  4. For individual orders, prepayment is required (production begins after payment confirmation).
  5. For commercial use, such as on-site recording, TV/radio broadcasting, embedding audio into devices, or bundled sales with other services (including resale), please use the Advanced Plan.

How to apply

To apply, please fill out the “Narration/Announcement Audio Production Service Application Form” and send it to us via email or fax.

<Submission to >